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Still doesn’t make sense

The objective is to describe the world to the fullest. Let’s start with three objects A, B, C, and one of the objects being you. Therefore, to describe the world completely, we need to account for the existence of three objects. In addition, we need to account for the fact that one object is you,…

Blue / Red / Black pill

I present to you three ways to understand the world. Blue pill, red pill or black pill. Blue pill is taking things at face value. You watch the movies, you obey society’s conditioning. You do not question any assumptions. You live your life as it is meant to be. Blue pill is most things we…

Do you think you’re unique?

Hey man, can I ask you a question? Do you think you’re unique? What I mean is that you’re experiencing the world through Micheal Goirgiono’s eyes, rather than say Donald Trump’s. You are this thing, called Micheal, rather than anything else. Is there something in the world that uniquely tells you, which thing you are.…

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