
Still doesn’t make sense

The objective is to describe the world to the fullest. Let’s start with three objects A, B, C, and one of the objects being you. Therefore, to describe the world completely, we need to account for the existence of three objects. In addition, we need to account for the fact that one object is you,…

Blue / Red / Black pill

I present to you three ways to understand the world. Blue pill, red pill or black pill. Blue pill is taking things at face value. You watch the movies, you obey society’s conditioning. You do not question any assumptions. You live your life as it is meant to be. Blue pill is most things we…

Do you think you’re unique?

Hey man, can I ask you a question? Do you think you’re unique? What I mean is that you’re experiencing the world through Micheal Goirgiono’s eyes, rather than say Donald Trump’s. You are this thing, called Micheal, rather than anything else. Is there something in the world that uniquely tells you, which thing you are.…

World perceiving

Imagine a world where there are two people. And you are one of the people. Do you think there is a difference in which one you are? Eg. you are Alice or you are Bob? Most would say there is a difference. Now in this world where we live, is there a difference between me…

The existence of You

Let’s have a world with 100 people. Let’s consider 4 different scenarios. You are nobody You are Bob You are Alice You are everybody Is it true that there is a difference between these four scenarios? The answer is yes, the difference is who You are. You is a thing, and it takes on different…

Why there is only a single person

Let’s say there’s a bunch of people in the world. The question is which one is me? The answer is person A. That means person A has a property of being me. However, person B says that me is person B. That’s a contradiction with person A having the property. Hence, person B is not…


I was talking with my friend the other day, who told me that her friend used in vitro fertilization to have a child. Not only that, she already has 4 children, and she wants to freeze her eggs to have more children. Her mother did the same. I was thinking that it’s entirely possible that…

The problem of first person awareness

I describe the world as a collection of objects. Each object has a mind. Each mind has an awareness. There is one first person awareness Reasoning goes as follows: As a person living in the world, I want to describe how the world works. There’s a collection of objects in the world. Is that all?…

A logical examination of other minds

In this article, we examine the premise of other minds. In addition, we attempt to derive logical conclusions about other minds, being a mind ourselves. We show that some of these conclusions lead to contradictions when examined from multiple points of view. Last, we propose a way to resolve the contradiction. Introduction The theory of…

One observed reality

Everybody is unique in the world because they are the centre of their own universe. However, if that’s true, then there are multiple universes, with each person being in the centre of their own. If this is how reality is, with a bunch of universes, then being one person in the meta-universe of universes still…


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