The Eye and the Force of Want

In this post I will describe the concept of the Eye and the Force of Want.

The Eye

You were created out of nothing and you will go into nothing. In between, you are here and experience the world. You have one particular point of view of the world, I call this the Eye. You can think of the Eye as the narrator in a book or the camera in a movie.

The questions you might want to ask is, how was this Eye created? Why at this time and this place? Why is the Eye stuck in one particular person’s point of view? Could the Eye be without a person, like in the ether looking at things from birds eye view? Could the Eye not exist at all and still the world go on? If you change the Eye to another point of view, how would you describe that change in the world, since in practice nothing would materially change?

The Eye is not the same as the mind or consciousness. It’s simply the point of view or reference point. It’s from where things are observed. If you are in a movie, you might ask, why am I watching this film, who wrote the film, why is the film shot from this character’s viewpoint and not from another’s, could I just stand up and exit the cinema? What if I stop watching the film? If you exit the cinema, you’d step into the void, as when you were born, you stepped into this cinema from the void too.

You could also ask if you are reading a book, and stop reading, would the world of the book continue to exist or not? If there are two people reading a copy of the book, are they imagining the same world of the book or different ones? If the answer is that the world stops existing when you stop reading and you’re imagining your own world, then basically this says the moment I die in life, the world will end, since I’m just the reader in the world of the universe.

Force of Want

If you are watching a film, then this implies you have no control over it. How could this be, you have free will after all? The answer is the fundamental force of want. The force of Want is like any other physical force, for example gravity or electromagnetic force. It just simply exists in the universe and we can detect it with our consciousness. The force then acts upon us through the emotions we experience. Good emotions make us want something while bad emotions make us not want something. Emotions govern everything we do. Rationality comes into play to satisfy our emotional wants.

The dimensionality of the force of want is all the possible things we could do. Its goal is to achieve a minimum energy state or maximum entropy. Society and technological advancement is driven by this force field. You have no choice over it. 

To see why emotions are the way this force acts on us, just imagine why feeling pain makes you want to avoid something. Emotions themselves are just things that we could ignore, however, they in fact prompt us to act in certain ways. That’s because we are being pushed or pulled by the force of want. Could you be conscious without emotion? I argue that’s impossible because there is no rational reason to ever want anything at all. There are no good or bad things in the world, it’s our emotions that make them so.

An analogy for the force of want is gravity. Take a ball rolling down the hill, stopped by a wall. The force of gravity tries to push the ball through the wall, until it reaches the bottom. The same way, the force of want pushes us to “want” things and act upon these wants. When we are faced with a wall or obstacle, we use our rational mind to problem solve and get around it. This way, the force can push us through.

This post does not answer why there is an Eye or a force of Want, it just merely describes their existence.

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